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Iffah Nurahmah
Rieke Clara Mustikasari


This scholarly article extensively explores the intricacies of global energy systems while providing a comprehensive analysis of emerging technologies that can address escalating energy needs sustainably. The study employs advanced qualitative data tools and detailed observation methods to support these findings. Moreover, the report highlights waste energy and solar panels as two of the most reliable and sustainable sources of renewable energy. The paper emphasizes how collective collaboration, innovation, and cooperation among stakeholders in the global energy sector can lead to the implementation of environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources to reduce the energy crisis for future generations. Such initiatives hold immense potential for transforming our current system, characterized by dependence on fossil fuels, into a more diverse array based on renewable resources. Addressing climate change concerns regarding pollution and non-renewable sources remains an essential part of sustainable energy research worldwide, with low-cost technology relying solely on locally accessible materials proving equally important in this pursuit.

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
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