All Publication of articles in JISEA will be judged by our editors and/or peer reviewers, who will also assess whether the writing is comprehensible and whether the work represents a useful contribution to the field. JISEA acknowledged the effort and suggestions made by its reviewers. 

Initial evaluation of manuscripts

All original copies will be assessed by the publication group in JISEA. This assessment preparation will take time at the greatest of 4 weeks time. Although uncommon, however, it is completely attainable for a remarkable composition to be acknowledged at this arrangement. Those rejected at this arrangement are insulant have genuine logical blemishes, or are exterior the points and scope of the JISEA. Those that meet the least criteria are passed on to master commentators for the review. It ordinarily took up to 8 weeks.

Type of peer review

Every article submitted to JISEA is going to be peer-reviewed. This process will take time more or less than 5-6 weeks for each article. every article will be reviewed by at least 2(two) reviewers with a blind peer-review method. This method will make sure the reviewer will do honest and objectively review the article to maintain and make sure the high quality of the published article

Review reports

Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript in the following section but not limited to:

  • The originality of the article
  • Finding the objective and gap of the research in the field study
  • Research methods
  • compatibility of the article with ethical guidelines
  • relevant references in previous work
  • results/findings presented in the article and support the conclusions
  • although not expected, the reviewer can correct or copyedit manuscripts if needed
  • in addition, reviewers are not expected to do language correction


Reviewers advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article. The Editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board. The editor’s decision is final.

Becoming a Reviewer

JISEA welcome academics and practitioners in the field of International Studies and has research interest in energy affairs to be added to our list of reviewers. Further information can be obtained by contacting us. JISEA's reviewers are volunteers, thus no financial payments are made. Yet, you will have the opportunity to see and evaluate the latest work in the field of International Studies that relate to energy, build networks with other scholars who interest in the same field. If needed, JISEA can provide an official letter state your contribution as a reviewer in our journal. You also can cite your work in the JISEA to build or part of your professional development requirements.