An Analysis on the Factors of Indonesia’s Participation in Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)

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M. Ridho Pramadhoni
Maudy Noor Fadhlia


Indonesia, as one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions globally, faces significantchallenges due to climate change. Recognizing the urgent need to mitigate these impacts, developedcountries have initiated efforts to reduce emissions, particularly through the transition to clean energyfrom fossil fuels. During the G20 Summit in Bali in 2022, Indonesia secured the Just Energy TransitionPartnership (JETP), a collaborative framework aimed at providing financial support to developingcountries for clean energy transitions. Given the complexities and resource constraints associated withsuch transitions, this research aims to identify and explain the factors influencing Indonesia'sparticipation in the JETP. This article uses a qualitative research method and the approach of Holsti’s four-dimensional framework, namely economic welfare, efficiency, security threats and reducing losses. The results of this study reveal several key factors in influencing Indonesia to participate in thiscooperation. These include the country's pressing need for energy transition, coupled with limiteddomestic resources. Moreover, the potential for cost reduction through this international cooperation, aswell as the security threats posed by climate change and the need to mitigate potential losses fromindividual actions, have significantly influenced Indonesia's decision to participate in the JETP.

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How to Cite
Pramadhoni, M. R., & Fadhlia, M. N. (2024). An Analysis on the Factors of Indonesia’s Participation in Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs, 5(2), 223–235.


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