Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs <p>Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs or known as JISEA is a scholarly periodical that publishes twice a year. JISEA is maintained by the International Relations Department at Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta, Indonesia. This journal was initiated in 2019 and its first edition was published in 2020. JISEA publishes research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. As the first journal in Indonesia that concerned with international studies and energy, JISEA would like to enhance the study of international studies, especially in the energy field. Article manuscripts are published after a thorough peer-review process. JISEA works closely with scholars of international studies locally and globally, indicated by a range and variety of editorial members, peer reviewers, and authors. Accepted papers are in English only We welcome academics and practitioners to share their thought with us. other language articles, subject to translation cost prior to publication acceptance</p> Department of International Relations Universitas Pertamina en-US Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs 2774-4213 Indonesia's Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) as a Strategy for Achieving Energy Security <p>The energy crisis that has hit the world requires countries to shift the use of their energy sources to renewable. As one of the most significant users and needs of coal sources, Indonesia requires careful preparation in the energy transition. One of the programs launched by the International Partnership Group (IPG) countries is the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), which supports and assists countries, especially developing countries, to realize the energy transition. This paper aims to find out how JETP Indonesia's role as a strategy for Indonesia in achieving energy security. We will elaborate on this research topic with the concept of energy security. This concept is generally used to analyze a country's condition with its efforts to secure its energy sector as a very vital sector. Our research uses descriptive qualitative research with secondary data obtained through documentation. We argue that the JETP has helped push Indonesia to achieve its energy transition targets to reduce carbon emissions and minimize the climate crisis through several program schemes and funding provided by the JETP.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nazla Rahmanitya Putra Ardiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Nazla Rahmanitya, Putra Ardiansyah 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 1 1 14 10.51413/jisea.Vol4.Iss1.2023.1-14 China’s Renewable Energy Innovation that Impact the World as Venture to Vanquish the Energy Crisis <p>The world is experiencing energy crisis today due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine that affect the global market as Russia cuts off its energy supply. Renewable energy is considered as a solution for the energy crisis since it’s sustainable and can replace the old energy sources. China as the energy innovator, believed to influence the world with its renewable energy innovation since China has become the world’s largest renewable energy producer that distributed its renewable energy. By following in China's footsteps in developing renewable energy, countries in the world have the potential to be independent and not depend on other countries for energy.</p> Daffa Adila Wicaksono Mutiara Mulya Copyright (c) 2023 Daffa Adila Wicaksono, Mutiara Mulya 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 1 15 30 10.51413/jisea.Vol4.Iss1.2023.15-30 The Power of Eco Energy Alternative through the Collaborative Approach by Governments and Organizations <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This scholarly article extensively explores the intricacies of global energy systems while providing a comprehensive analysis of emerging technologies that can address escalating energy needs sustainably. The study employs advanced qualitative data tools and detailed observation methods to support these findings. Moreover, the report highlights waste energy and solar panels as two of the most reliable and sustainable sources of renewable energy. The paper emphasizes how collective collaboration, innovation, and cooperation among stakeholders in the global energy sector can lead to the implementation of environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources to reduce the energy crisis for future generations. Such initiatives hold immense potential for transforming our current system, characterized by dependence on fossil fuels, into a more diverse array based on renewable resources. Addressing climate change concerns regarding pollution and non-renewable sources remains an essential part of sustainable energy research worldwide, with low-cost technology relying solely on locally accessible materials proving equally important in this pursuit.</span></p> Iffah Nurahmah Rieke Clara Mustikasari Copyright (c) 2023 Iffah Nurahmah, Rieke Clara Mustikasari 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 1 31 49 10.51413/jisea.Vol4.Iss1.2023.31-49