of International Studies on Energy Affairs2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00Indra Journal Systems<p>Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs or known as JISEA is a scholarly periodical that publishes twice a year. JISEA is maintained by the International Relations Department at Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta, Indonesia. This journal was initiated in 2019 and its first edition was published in 2020. JISEA publishes research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. As the first journal in Indonesia that concerned with international studies and energy, JISEA would like to enhance the study of international studies, especially in the energy field. Article manuscripts are published after a thorough peer-review process. JISEA works closely with scholars of international studies locally and globally, indicated by a range and variety of editorial members, peer reviewers, and authors. Accepted papers are in English only We welcome academics and practitioners to share their thought with us. other language articles, subject to translation cost prior to publication acceptance</p> Securitization of Australian Migration during the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Presidency2024-08-27T10:01:32+00:00Nadia Ayu<p><em>Humanitarian aspects on the issue of migration were re-introduced during the reign of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull through the regional instrument of Bali Declaration. Although Australia has long ratified the 1951 UN Convention relating to the status of refugees, some of Australia's political efforts have previously been contrary to the principles of the convention. Therefore, this research intends to describe the process that forms political efforts during the reign of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and to determine the factors that shape the dynamics of perception regarding the issue of migration in Australia. To analyze the process, this research uses the concept of securitization with qualitative method and descriptive research by using literature review in data collection. The results show that during the reign of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull the issue of migration was framed as a security issue by considering the balance between border protection and fulfillment of international obligations.</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nadia Farabi, Dinda Ayu Saraswati's Intentions in Signing the Decarbonization Cooperation Framework with Indonesia through Carbon Capture Storage2024-09-19T00:36:35+00:00Jasmine Marshanda Rully Nabila Ahya Al<p>This paper examines Singapore's intentions in signing the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) cooperation framework with Indonesia. A qualitative descriptive methodology combining primary and secondary data sources was applied to get informative results. The concept used in this research is the international regime, alongside the cooperation theory by Holsti. The analysis shows that Singapore has the decarbonization roadmap to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions they have produced through cooperating with another country in CCS. The results reveal that the commitment reflects Singapore's responsibility in accordance with the Paris Agreement as an international regime. Singapore's rationalization in cooperating with Indonesia is based on the geography of Indonesia’s reservoir that is close to Singapore’s central industrial and power plant, Jurong Island. Singapore could cut costs by transferring carbon through pipelines to Indonesian sediment. This research underscores the significant role of bilateral cooperation in shaping the future trajectory of climate change amidst increasing global pressures through the Paris Agreement.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jasmine Marshanda Rully Annindya, Jasmine Nabila Sofie, Ferdian Ahya Al Putra Role of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in Shaping Global Health Architecture After the Covid-19 Pandemic2024-10-14T06:11:20+00:00Saepudin Widi Haryati Raihan<p>The Covid-19 pandemic is a complex global problem because almost all countries in the world are not prepared to deal with it. This problem needs to be responded quickly through international cooperation forums. Therefore, this study aims to determine Indonesia's role through the G20 presidency in shaping resilient global health architecture for now and the future. This research uses descriptive-qualitative method with secondary data collection, from books, journal articles, reports of related institutions, and internet articles. Robert Keohane's theory of multilateralism and the concept of health diplomacy are the analytical tools used in this research. Indonesia's leadership in the G20 provides opportunity for Indonesia to bridge the gap in promoting equitable global vaccine access between countries in the northern and southern hemispheres through research collaboration. Furthermore, Indonesia also plays a role in encouraging harmonization of global health regulations and establishing the Pandemic Fund. This agreement provides opportunity for Indonesia to accommodate the interests of developing countries and demonstrate its opportunity for global leadership. Conversely, this agreement faced with uneven country capabilities and concerns that this commitment will not continue in the next presidency because it clashes with domestic interests of each country.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Saepudin Saepudin, Vivit Widi Haryati , Aldebaran Raihan Revidy, Fanesya Audrei Military Companies’ Role in International Armed Conflicts2024-10-14T06:19:33+00:00Sirwan Yazid<p>This research aims to analyze the role of Wagner Group as a private military company in the Russia-Ukraine conflict which is getting deteriorating and has led to a greater conflict escalation. It uses a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method. Data was collected through literature review and analyzed through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data reduction is done by reviewing the collected data to be selected according to research topic. Furthermore, data presentation stage was carried out in form of a narrative. Finally, conclusion is drawn based on elaboration of concept of private military companies and theory of principal–agent. According to research result, it indicates that there is an increase in the intensity of the Russia-Ukraine conflict due to the interference of the Wagner Group. This proves that the principal-agent relationship between Russia and Wagner Group suffers from agency slack. As a consequence, it results in a negative reciprocal relationship, which causes the escalation of conflict to be maintained and provides its own benefits for Wagner Group. </p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sirwan Bustami, R. M. Haryo Abdul Aziz Al Hakim, Zulkarnain for China in the Establishment of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)2024-10-14T06:22:02+00:00Yosua Saut Marulitua Gultomyosuagultom187@gmail.comLaode Muhammad<p>This research aims to provide a descriptive explanation of how the formation of economic integration through the RCEP case study is able to form a new order of regionalism in the region. This research also tries to explore the challenges for China as the main economic power in the economic integration. This research utilizes the concepts of third wave regionalism and free trade zones through a descriptive qualitative study approach. The research finds that although China and ASEAN are positively on the same track regarding the establishment of RCEP, it is challenged by broader regionalism such as the Sino-Indian rivalry and other similar regionalism mechanism challenges. The article concludes that it is necessary for China to face the challenges by establishing a fair and acceptable cooperation arrangement for the global south so that RCEP can be beneficial for both parties.</p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yosua Saut Marulita Gultom, Laode Muhammad Fathun Analysis on the Factors of Indonesia’s Participation in Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)2024-11-05T23:20:28+00:00M. Ridho Pramadhoniridhodhoni123@gmail.comMaudy Noor<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Indonesia, as one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions globally, faces significantchallenges due to climate change. Recognizing the urgent need to mitigate these impacts, developedcountries have initiated efforts to reduce emissions, particularly through the transition to clean energyfrom fossil fuels. During the G20 Summit in Bali in 2022, Indonesia secured the Just Energy TransitionPartnership (JETP), a collaborative framework aimed at providing financial support to developingcountries for clean energy transitions. Given the complexities and resource constraints associated withsuch transitions, this research aims to identify and explain the factors influencing Indonesia'sparticipation in the JETP. This article uses a qualitative research method and the approach of Holsti’s four-dimensional framework, namely economic welfare, efficiency, security threats and reducing losses. The results of this study reveal several key factors in influencing Indonesia to participate in thiscooperation. These include the country's pressing need for energy transition, coupled with limiteddomestic resources. Moreover, the potential for cost reduction through this international cooperation, aswell as the security threats posed by climate change and the need to mitigate potential losses fromindividual actions, have significantly influenced Indonesia's decision to participate in the JETP.</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Ridho Pramadhoni, Maudy Noor Fadhlia